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I am a Graphic designer & Art director with +9 years of experience in design. I have taken care of projects from graphic, web, social media, to motion design, and more. I have also personally led many of these projects from the conceptual phase to final production. 

Design is not about creating nice looking designs. It’s about creating amazing designs that fulfill a purpose, a purpose that in the end should lead to satisfied clients. Satisfied clients mean more business. That is why I rely on principles and processes. One of my principles is to keep the design simple. Every design element has to have a purpose, convey a message or a feeling. 

I believe that you can both be ambitious and focus on results while also having fun with your coworkers and the work itself. My passion for helping people and solving problems helps me constantly learn new things on the way. I am always looking for new challenges so if you need my help (or just want to say hi!), send me an email at

My capabilities
Graphic design, Art direction, Motion design, Illustration, Project management, Website design

Technical skills
Adobe creative suite
WordPress> Elegant Themes 
Basic video/audio editing
Basic HTML and CSS

2021 – Motion design: Hyper Island, Sweden
2013 – Industrial design: Karelia University, Finland
2011 – Graphic design: Tehran University, Iran

I love traveling (who doesn’t?), food (if you give me a piece of cake, I’ll be your best friend), playing games, and spending time with family and friends.