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Lotta Suomalainen

My client Susanna Toivanen approached me with a passion project which was very important to her and her family. I found the project idea very interesting and was eager to help out.

The goal was to publish a book and create a website for it. My role in this project was editorial, graphic and web designer.

About the book:
This is a poetry book in the form of a diary of a young woman’s experiences of the Second World War in Finland. She participated as a soldier in the front-line, supplying food to the troops. As such, the book is a documentary of the impact of the war on young people’s lives during the war and in later life.

You can purchase the book via the link below. 

Role: Graphic designer, Web designer

Adjectives/keywords: Diary, documentary, war, simple

Date and place: February 2017, Stockholm, Sweden

Program: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, WordPress

Editorial design


Website design


Full credits
Client: Susanna Toivanen
Graphic and web design: Kania Khalili
Project manager: Said Moshtaghi