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Jarkko Rantanen

Jarkko is a psychologist, speaker, trainer, author, knowledge enthusiast, and entrepreneur. He coaches companies with understanding and improving their workplace emotions.

Jarkko wanted to start branding himself and create awareness for the cause he passionately cares about. We started our cooperation with me designing his logo, website, and webshop. Later our collaboration continued with me helping him manage his social media, formatting and publishing his blog posts, managing his Google analytics metrics, design e-book covers, and mockups. 

Role: Graphic designer, Web designer, Social media manager, and content creator

Adjectives/keywords: Minimalistic, Nordic, Safe, Trusted

Program: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, WordPress, Google Analytics



Editorial design

Website design


Full credits
Client: Jarkko Rantanen
Graphic designer, Web designer, Social media manager, and content creator: Kania Khalili